Odoo Migration Service

Migration in Odoo is the terminology used for the up-gradation of the platform i.e as Odoo is management software which releases new updates and versions frequently, the users need to update their existing versions to the new ones available. Furthermore, this migration will bring in the new features and the advancements of the Odoo platform with the existing company operations in a business. There are two aspects to be kept in mind while the migration takes place, Firstly, the data available, the users need their existing reports, customer and vendor details, payment documents and financial data and many more to be accessible from the new platform. Secondly, the applications and specific addons that run the company should be accessible for the users in the new version with the existing functionality and add new features.

Considering the vitality of these aspects and the need for them in the new version, the Odoo migration should be done with the utmost care and by a resourceful person or team. It’s always better for the user of the platform to seek the help of Odoo partners for the Odoo related aspects of their company, the same as in the case of Odoo migration. These partners are well trained, certified, and well equipped with resources to help you with the migration process. XTECHLY, partner of Odoo is one among the best. With a skillful workforce of talented developers, design team, and consultants and 13+ years of experience in the field under the sleeves, XTECHLY is an apt solution for your Odoo migration.

  • Odoo Apps Migration
  • Data Migration
  • Migration Testing